
Ambient, Drone, Jam Band, Fusion, Funk, Experimental, Minimalism, Noise, Freak Jazz

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fynndlit - Fynndlit VI (Disc XII)

The first song is kinda my abstract sonic interpretation of a sprinker. Both of these have crazy overtone work, the second song using up to the 27th partial. These would be tough to explain maybe I'll do it later.


Fynndlit - Fynndlit X

woo! I only used my analog synth for this one. Guess what genre of music inspired me to do this one...


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fynndlit - Fynndlit VI (Disc XI)

This one is all pretty much processed glitches and there is no legitimate sound generator here, and I purposely made the synth I was playing as confusing and unlabeled as possible so I would have no idea what I'm doing. I actually recorded this as I was building the synth, so it also shows the sound process I experienced. LONG LIVE ANG.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fynndlit - Fynndlit VI (Disc X) Mothersday Special!

Happy Mothersday Mom! Love you! I made this crazy song, and I'm not sure if you'll like it, but here you go. It's kind of long, but it does have a form I swear. Hope you can relax all day and have dad do everything for you. I'll be home soon so don't worry! Thanks for all your support and letting me to go this awesome school! My life is going just the way I want, and it wouldn't be without you. =)

Love, James

1. 6.25 (Mothersday Mixzz) [40:34]

(let me know if you can't figure out how to download this =)

ps, this was edited together from 3 or 4 different improvisations, all of which were made in somewhat interesting situations. One of the sections I improvised and recorded while I was napping to it, one section I was sitting out side doing some experiment that worked out perfectly to make the rhythms, one section I had access to this cool keyboard I could plug into my computer, so I retuned it weirdly and played a bunch of random weird tuned chords, then I added some after effects like reverbs and delays and arranged them to make it a cohesive song. Yeah, so thats kind of how I put it together!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fynndlit & Vinyl Williams - Live in A402

Jammed with Lionel at his gallery opening and this is what happened!!

NIghtmusic IV - Jam at Tatum

I did an improv show at Tatum lounge at Calarts on April 19th, 2011 with my friends Aidan Reynolds and Dan Bruinooge. Me and Aidan were doing crazy feedback manipulations, and Dan had a cymbal with a contact mic, some effects and a bass drum. The second song is my teacher Mike Fink on guitar and electronics and a student named Jim Murphy doing stuff with his computer and other electronics. The third is all of us playing together with the addition of guitarist Tony DiGennaro and cellist Derek Stein.